Join Bloco Alegria and DJ Digo for "A Halloween with a Twist" at The Analog in inner SE Portland. Make no mistake, the live grooves of Bloco Alegria and the hot tunes of DJ Digo will make it impossible to do anything but shake whatever you have to shake for as long as you have to shake it. And that could be all night!
Don't forget that Thursday is the Eve of the Eve of Halloween, and if that doesn't inspire you to come visually altered in your Halloween makeover, maybe the prizes for outstanding costumes will. Yes, indeed!
And if you have always wanted to learn a little bit of samba dance and have the chance to win friends and influence people with your new moves, you will not go away disappointed. Samba dance lessons await you at The Analog. Believe it!
Finally, yes, it's a work night for most folks. But if you find yourself a bit tired and desirous of a quiet little respite from the travails of the day (yawn), you'll probably be able to find yourself a quiet little corner at the Analog for a well deserved nap. But the dreams! The dreams!